Welcome to 1.1.0

Posted 23. April 2018

If at first you don't succeed!
TidyBB Management
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As the title says, welcome to LayerBB 1.1.0.

This is our public preview, and we invite you to take a look at it and help us iron out all of the remaining issues that we may of missed.

This is our biggest update in the history of LayerBB, and we think more eyes are better than one, so please take some time and help us out.

You can find links in the navigation bar above to report any bugs if you find an issue.

Please note: We are not accepting any further feature suggestions for LayerBB 1.1.0
Kind Regards,
Andy Rixon
TidyBB Project Manager

Please do not message me, unless you have been requested to by myself or a member of staff.

Posted 25. April 2018

General Member
  • 23. March 2018 Joined
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I’m sorry to hear you’ve only got one eye 😉. However, do you have a list of features which will be introduced? I see a likingsystem and you told me you’ll implement language files further. What more?
Posted 26. April 2018

If at first you don't succeed!
TidyBB Management
  • 13. November 2017 Joined
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In 1.1.0 signatures can be turned off within the AdminCP, here is the current change log for 1.1.0.

1.1.0 Change Log
  • Restyled Threads
  • Added option for custom user message
  • Added hooks system
  • Added Approve User Account within AdminCP
  • Added AdminCP User Filters (Inactive Members)
  • Added Thread Like Feature
  • Added a security lock for installer & updater
  • Added disable feature for user signatures & profile comments
  • Readded quote button to threads
  • Added social share buttons
  • Removed depreciated SMTP Email Settings
  • Added Profile Group Banners to Threads
  • Fixed issue where images was not scaled correctly on mobile devices/smaller resolutions
  • Added spoiler BBcode tag
  • Added follower feature

This list is subject to change.

Kind Regards,
Andy Rixon
TidyBB Project Manager

Please do not message me, unless you have been requested to by myself or a member of staff.

Posted 30. April 2018

If at first you don't succeed!
TidyBB Management
  • 13. November 2017 Joined
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Just to keep everyone informed, I am finishing off the like system as it needs reworked because as it stands now, you can like a thread/post as many times as you want.  

After this I will be going through every single file and the theme for any hard coded text and turning them into language variables.

Once these two things are complete, I will be releasing LayerBB 1.1.0 to the public.
Kind Regards,
Andy Rixon
TidyBB Project Manager

Please do not message me, unless you have been requested to by myself or a member of staff.

Posted 30. April 2018

If at first you don't succeed!
TidyBB Management
  • 13. November 2017 Joined
  • 112 Threads
  • 236 Quote ID

We have just updated  to our latest build of the like system, you will now only be able to like a post/thread once.

All I have to do now is to go through everything regarding the language variables.
Kind Regards,
Andy Rixon
TidyBB Project Manager

Please do not message me, unless you have been requested to by myself or a member of staff.