Turning off features

Posted 24. March 2018

General Member
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Hi again,

I’d like to be able to turn off features forumwide. I don’t want signatures and profile comments for example. And perhaps others don’t want other features. Would be awesome to turn them off. 
Posted 25. March 2018

General Member
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I second this suggestion.
Posted 26. March 2018

If at first you don't succeed!
TidyBB Management
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I think we could fit this into our next update 😃
Kind Regards,
Andy Rixon
TidyBB Project Manager

Please do not message me, unless you have been requested to by myself or a member of staff.

Posted 26. March 2018

If at first you don't succeed!
TidyBB Management
  • 13. November 2017 Joined
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This has been completed. It will be available in our next release.
Kind Regards,
Andy Rixon
TidyBB Project Manager

Please do not message me, unless you have been requested to by myself or a member of staff.