Quote button

Posted 26. March 2018

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It might be nice to have a quote button next to the report button, so we don’t have to type the quote id every time. 
Posted 26. March 2018

If at first you don't succeed!
TidyBB Management
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It might be nice to have a quote button next to the report button, so we don’t have to type the quote id every time. 

Thijs said:

We used to have this feature, but it was bugged out, and we couldn't fix it. I'll try get one back in though as soon as I can.
Kind Regards,
Andy Rixon
TidyBB Project Manager

Please do not message me, unless you have been requested to by myself or a member of staff.

Posted 26. March 2018

If at first you don't succeed!
TidyBB Management
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Added in next version 😃
Kind Regards,
Andy Rixon
TidyBB Project Manager

Please do not message me, unless you have been requested to by myself or a member of staff.